
Everyone likes a story, a good story. The world is full of stories. We are all part of the big story, and our individual stories are no less significant; the whole being the sum of the parts. However, to tell a story well needs creative ways of engaging and holding attention, bringing the story alive aiding understanding and seeding curiosity for more. This is the realm of the creative designer as visual journalist, where dry facts are given colour, relationship and brought to life. Data visualisation is storytelling and education to give context and simplicity to the complex.
"Design in the absence of content is decoration."
Jeffrey Zeldman

The creative process involves seeing, in literally every possible sense. Discovering, learning, feeling, querying. Then absorbing, analysing and interpreting, in order to re-order, re-arrange, maybe even to construct interesting bedfellows, and then on to reassemble into something new, through the imaginative application of practicality and personality. The creative mind constantly enquires and questions, often delighting in subversion of the accepted with wit and humour, never forgetting why the journey is being undertaken, excited by the ultimate destination.
"Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked."
Kenya Hara